First of all, if you have
NOT already registered for
a show, go to our
Calendar Page to REGISTER!
Look for

to get your reservation
for whatever show(s) you
are interested in!
Once you've registered,
you'll immediately get
an email confirmation
from Jeffrey Scott Stewart.
The "Subject" will be
[Name of Show] Confirmation
(yes, as simple as that!)

Note: The rest of these
directions are for first-time
users, and others who will
appreciate them.
If you don't need them, great!
Just follow according to your
confirmation email and
enjoy the show ... Thank you!

To sign in, or "Join" the show,
1. Go to your confirmation.

2. Look about four lines up
from the bottom of the email.
You'll see
"Webinar ID: ### #### ####"
(Zoom, the technology we use,
calls our shows "Webinars".)

3. Copy that ID number.

4. Now go to about the sixth
line down from the top
of the email and click
on "Click Here to Join".
This is YOUR link,
be sure not to share.
This will open a page on the
Zoom website for you to
"Join a Meeting", below which
you'll see a place to enter that
"Meeting ID" that you copied
NOTE: Some or all of the
following steps MAY be
(Depending on specifics)
following steps MAY be
(Depending on specifics)

5. Paste your Meeting ID
into the box.

6. Click on the "Join" button.
This will open another page
on the Zoom website.

7. You can copy your
"Password:" ###### number,
from just below where you
copied your Webinar ID number!

8. Paste it in where requested.

9. Click to Join the show!

Welcome to the

Yes, the "Blue Clover Theater"
is what we call our studio
from which we broadcast
live shows! And yes, it's
a bit of whimsy . . . This
is for fun and entertainment!